Outcome & Case
Data - Osteopathic
Manipulative Treatment
A , Gaeta T , Ettlinger H , Rampil L , and Rosario M
Emergency department evaluation of osteopathic manipulative therapy in the acute
ankle sprain. JAOA: The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association 1996 Aug;96(8):486
of the patients in the treatment group show an initial decrease in swelling, an
increase in range of motion, and a decrease in subjective pain immediately
following O.M.T. Analysis of the one week follow up data also suggests improved
recovery in the group treated with O.M.T.
BW and Kuchera
Osteopathic manipulation for patients with confirmed mild, modest and moderate
carpal tunnel syndrome. JAOA: The
Journal of the American Osteopathic Association 1994 Aug;94(8):673
This study was to show
that patients who received traditional conservative therapy (TCT) plus
osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) for their carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)
would have decreased signs and symptoms of CTS as compared to patients who
received TCT alone. The OMT group received TCT plus systemic OMT every 2 weeks
for two months. Pre-and post-treatment EMG/NCS, positive provocative tests, and
pain surveys were compared between these groups. By EMG/NCS, 38% of Group II
improved in their CTS classification compared to only 20% Group I improvement.
These findings suggest that TCT plus OMT can improve patients' mild, modest and
moderate CTS compared to traditional therapy alone.
(Thanks to Everybody - http://www.everybody.co.nz/docsa_c/carpaltunnel.htm
for allowing use of their graphic)