is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy (ah-stee-AH-pah-thee) is an
approach to wellness that focuses on reawakening the body’s
inherent capacity for healing.
It is a holistic medical practice pioneered in the late
1800's by a medical physician named Andrew
Taylor Still.
Still (1828-1917) developed a system of health
care which incorporated the use of manual medicine.
It is based on the theory that the body is capable of an
innate healing ability when in normal structural relationship,
when it has favorable environmental conditions and when adequate
nutrition is maintained.
The art and science of Osteopathy are
based upon the following principles:
body is a self-regulatory and self-healing mechanism.
governs function.
body systems are interrelated.
Osteopathic medicine is dedicated to the treatment and
healing of the entire patient. It is a science which has, for
more than a century, recognized the fact that the body works as
one harmonious system with an interdependent relationship
between anatomy (structure),
physiology (function), mind
and spirit. A
disturbance in one system can alter the function in any or all
other systems.
It’s art lies in the application of its
diagnosis and treatment. The
Osteopath is trained in gentle palpation in order to feel the body's "living anatomy." We learn to palpate (feel) the
structural form, tissue texture changes, subtle motions and the
flow of fluids within the body.
The Osteopath then addresses health problems with a
non-invasive medical system known as Osteopathic
Manipulative Medicine or Treatment in order to
restore normal function in areas impaired by trauma, chronic
illness, or acute health problems.
The removal of restricted areas produces free
motion that enables the inherent healing systems to work
